RPCS Supports i1 Energy’s First Solar Project

i1 Energy Provides EPC services for Solar Projects throughout the country.

I1 Energy to EPC 6.8-MW solar project in New Mexico

I1 Energy, has executed a turnkey engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract with Onyx Renewable Partners L.P. for its 6.8 MW (dc) Middle Daisy Solar project in Lovington, New Mexico. The project includes a 69-kV substation and switch.

Design and procurement services are underway and the project is expected to be completed by the end of Q3. Onyx’s CEO Matthew Rosenblum said, “We are excited to work with i1 as we build our company’s first solar project in New Mexico.”

Topher Wood, COO of i1 Energy, said, “We are very excited to be working with Onyx to provide utility solar in New Mexico. This project kicks-off a strong start for i1 Energy and we look forward to continuing to provide quality projects alongside our partners in the industry.”

RPCS is proud to support i1 Energy on their inaugural EPC solar project in New Mexico. The team at RPCS is looking forward to building a portfolio of projects with the i1 team using the industry’s trusted choice for tracker quality and reliability, the Array Technologies DuraTrack® HZ V3 Single Axis Tracker.

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