All posts by Mario Colecchia

Solar Engineering Blog Series: Corrosion and Galvanization

Corrosion and Galvanization: A Primer   It’s no surprise that steel corrodes. It’s also no major revelation that steel corrodes at different rates in different environments. Steel in the arid desert will last much longer than steel exposed to ocean spray. Similarly, steel that is embedded in the ground also corrodes, and corrodes at different rates depending on the composition [...]

Solar Engineering Blog Series: Factor of Safety and Design Life

"Factor of Safety" and Design Life   “Factor of Safety” is defined as the ratio of a structure’s capacity to the demand placed on that structure. It can be thought of as excess capacity above the required design loads. Its purpose is to provide a measure of safety against failure due to underestimated loads, overestimated capacity, or a combination of [...]

Solar Engineering Blog Series: CAB Wire Management System Considerations

CAB Wire Management System Considerations for the Array Technologies Single-Axis Tracker   What is CAB? The Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped (CAB) produces an above-ground wire management system that can be used in lieu of trenching to carry wires from throughout the field to combiner boxes, inverters, etc. The system is comprised of a steel or copper [...]

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