Solar Trackers + Snow

Solar Trackers + Snow

Array Technologies Innovative ‘Snow Mode’ & Structural Design Approach to Snow Loads

  • White Paper

It’s a common misconception that solar trackers can’t or shouldn’t be installed in snowy regions. This notion, however, couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s snow wonder that states like New York, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, and Michigan—places that experience inclement weather from rain to fog to blizzards—boast some of the highest levels of solar installations and savings thanks to those solar installations.

While the amount of solar energy generated does depend on the quality and efficiency of the modules used, the biggest concern should be the racking’s ability to perform in these harsh conditions and the system’s ability to prevent snow from accumulating on the modules, which inhibits production.

The best system should be one that handles snow, wind, hail, and all inclement weather conditions equally. Only one system prevails in any condition, with innovative mitigation methods inherent in its design, and that’s the DuraTrack HZ v3 single-axis solar tracker from Array Technologies.

Snow and solar can—and should—co-exist; don’t let a potential project’s location and proclivity for snowfall keep you from going solar. Here’s a deeper look at why, by deploying the Array solar tracker, your system can still perform—in some cases more efficiently—in snow-prone regions.

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