#BetterCallPaul: Your Engineering Questions Answered (No. 3, April)

How does RPCS design and optimize solar tracker sites with cost in mind?

The RPCS project design team is well versed in both the engineering and cost ramifications of each specific tracker element. This knowledge allows us to design each project to be as cost effective as possible while maintaining Array Technologies’ high standard of dependability for years to come.

RPCS project designProjects in locations with frequent snow events, wind events, and seismic activity can be specially engineered to be robust enough to handle these conditions. Array Technologies offers a wide variety of specialization with each tracker, and RPCS knows that it can be daunting to look through the catalog of options by yourself. The RPCS project design team, being trained by the very engineers who built the Array tracker, can help guide the way to the best possible choice and help the customer best understand what may work best for them from all angles.

A project will often have a few different options to choose from in how it can be built. For example, if a project is in a high-wind area it may sometimes be appropriate to add stronger bearing housings to mitigate those wind forces. Another option would be to increase the amount of foundations that the tracker is built on. Doing both might be overzealous, so the RPCS design team will look and see to what degree each of these upgrades will need to be executed in order to increase structural integrity to the proper mark, while also being economic, and then decide from there.

RPCS always looks at your site with a keen eye and considers all the mechanical options available while also comparing the price differences associated with each specialization. After this information has been sifted through, RPCS provides the best possible version of the tracker given the conditions and are available to discuss the design implications with the customer to explain our reasoning and to tune it up to whatever special requirements that the customer may have.

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